Step by step guide how to download and archieve your data.
Support for users struggling to connect to darca including COM port errors
Step by Step Guide on how to turn on or off a channel including adding, removing and editing channel alarms settings and thresholds.
Guide on how to add, remove or edit SMS contat details inclunding phone numbers and who receives which text message alarms.
Also includes configuring the regular SMS Logger OK notification.
Step by Step guide how to access the squirrel settings to update the date and time of the logger or change the log interval
Explaination of the different metering visuals
Step by Step guide how to send a test text message and also troubleshooting on how to resolve issues with text message alerts.
Step by Step guide how to configure the Darca Plus Software to perfrom exports as required and also viewing the export data.
Explaination of the features and tools available of the graphing window
Guide on how to configure or troubleshoot optional hardware items such as Auto diallers, text message issues, MOXA, Repeater etc